Fiddle Leaf Fig - Ficus Lyrata
Pot size 25cm approx
Height 90cm approx
The single-stemmed Ficus Lyrata, commonly known as the Fiddle Leaf Fig, comes from Western Africa. It has made a stellar home interior comeback of late with it's minimalist elegance and broad rounded leaves, which add softness to any space. It is said that larger leafed plants promote feelings of protection and safety, as you might feel under a jungle canopy, making this bold example ideal for areas in your home where you sit and take rest at the end of the day to relax and feel calm.
This tall hardy houseplant will thrive in bright light but not direct sunshine, keep it's soil moist but never let it sit in water, good drainage is key as overwatering will cause leaf drop. Also avoid draughts.
- Enjoys it's leaves cleaned from dust regularly
- Fast grower
- Toxic to pets
Available for local delivery within a 10 mile radius on Henley-on-Thames (RG9 1UP) at this time. We are working on a suitable and sustainable packaging option so we can soon send our beautiful plant range further afield across the UK.