Aechmea Fasciata 'Primera'
Pot sixe 15cm approx
Height 60cm approx
These majestic flowering Bromeliads are not only a stunning tropical beauty, but they are also super easy to care for, making them a top beginner's houseplant choice. It's broad chalky leaves and huge pretty-in-pink bloom make it a hardy plant under any roof and certainly a talking point in any room. We love to see them grouped in rustic zinc urns for wow factor! The flower will only bloom once as a rule on a pot plant but this beautiful bloom can last for months or even up to a year.
Aechmeas will thrive in a warm room amongst bright light, but limited direct sunshine. They like to be watered every 2x weeks and can dry out in between watering. As a Bromeliad they grow naturally amongst tree bark and so have air loving roots. You can pour tepid water every now and then into the 'tank' which is the natural cup created by the leaves around the base of the flower stem, this is where these plants naturally collect rain water in the wild. Be sure to clean this out often though to avoid rotting.
- Easy care
- Non toxic
- 24hr air purifyers as appose to most plants that do this only at night
Available for local delivery within a 10 mile radius on Henley-on-Thames (RG9 1UP) at this time. We are working on a suitable and sustainable packaging option so we can soon send our beautiful plant range further afield across the UK.